윤대천 (DC Yun) - If You Love Me [Official Video]
[Offiaicl] 윤대천 (DC Yun) - If You Love Me
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공식홈페이지(modoo): https://dcyun.modoo.at
인스타그램(Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/yun_daecheon/
멜론(Melon): http://kko.to/gLTVYR9lQ
벅스(Bugs): https://m.bugs.co.kr/artist/20071899
플로(Flo): http://flomuz.io/s/e.bwnMt
지니(Genie): http://genie.co.kr/GEM688
바이브(Vive): https://vibe.naver.com/artist/2605880
유튜브(Youtube): https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCTcGCk_FlrPXrEhKP
네이버(Naver): https://search.naver.com/search.naver?where=nexearch&sm=tab_etc&mra=bjky&x_csa=%7B%22fromUi%22%3A%22kb%22%7D&pkid=1&os=10484390&qvt=0&query=%EC%9C%A4%EB%8C%80%EC%B2%9C
:: daily creative people, DCP Record
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+ SUBSCRIBE 디씨피레코드 (DCP Record) +
공식홈페이지(modoo): https://dcprecord.modoo.at/
유튜브(Youtube): https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCLUGfF4n8TXLfx2cT
인스타그램(Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/dcp_record/
ABOUT ALBUM 'If You Love Me'
"네가 나를 사랑한다면.."
헷갈리는 마음을 깨닫고 서투른 사랑을 조심스레 고백해 본다.
Produced by 윤대천
Composed by 윤대천
Lyrics by 윤대천
Arranged by 윤대천
- Vocal 윤대천
- Electric Guitar 진하람
- Bass 김재우
- Chorus 윤은지, 윤대천
- Acoustic Guitar 윤대천
- Piano & Keyboard 윤대천
- Synthesizer 윤대천
- String 윤대천
- Drum 윤대천
Recording DC Park @ DCP Studio GUMI
Mixing & Mastering DC Park @ DCP Studio GUMI
Photograph 서영호
Artwork 윤대천
Connection DCP Record