Nationalux Admin
Nationalux Admin 26 Jun 2023

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이부영 - 애호가의 호흡 (Lover's breath)
23 Nov 2023
이부영 - 애호가의 호흡 (Lover's breath)
Nationalux Admin · 158 Views

tendai - Champion Lover .


tendai - Champion Lover .

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#tendai #championlover #threetwo


u failed to pass your phone .
and i can smell the acetone .

said you'll be home by nine your home by three .
guess you needed one more chance to lie to me .

baby , you got the key to driving me crazy .
maybe , you got a feeling that you can change me .

he was a champion lover , champion lover .
she was a champion lover , champion lover .
he was a champion lover , champion lover .
she was a champion love , it was champion .

greener grass has grown .
hell , the grass has grown .

you say on the other side it looks so easy .
well sometimes you sound so greedy .

baby , you got the key to driving me crazy .
maybe , you got a feeling that you can change me .

he was a champion lover , champion lover .
she was a champion lover , champion lover .
he was a champion lover , champion lover .
she was a champion love , it was champion .

(guitar solo)

he was a champion lover , champion lover .
she was a champion love , it was champion .

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이부영 - 애호가의 호흡 (Lover's breath)
23 Nov 2023
이부영 - 애호가의 호흡 (Lover's breath)
Nationalux Admin · 158 Views