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Nationalux Admin 08 Jul 2019

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Danna Paola - AÚN TE QUIERO (Lyric Video)
30 Nov 2023
Danna Paola - AÚN TE QUIERO (Lyric Video)
Nationalux Admin · 565 Views

Pre-holiday (프리홀리데이) - 벌떡 (Suddenly) [Lyric video]


Pre-holiday (프리홀리데이) - 벌떡 (Suddenly) [Lyric video]

The EP 'Table 6' from Pre-holiday is OUT NOW. ​
She wrote her title 'At This Time' when she was on bus, watching people who got tired of living.
Second title 'I Will Find You' is telling you to find your 'you' in dreams.
She wishes for happiness to everyone who've suffered from love, hate and fate.
Also she might adds, this EP could be one of the ways you fight with your unforeseen odds.

‘프리홀리데이’의 첫 번째 EP 'Table6' 가 발매되었습니다. 허겁지겁 살아온 현실과 설레는 오늘, 혹은 알 수 없는 그들의 미래를 조금이나마 한숨 돌리며 걸어가는 노래를 만들고 싶었습니다. 비교 당하지 않아도 되고 머물러 있어도 질타 받지 않는 세상에게 조금만 기다려 달라고, 가고 있다고 말하고도 싶었고요. 행복하기 위해 살아가는 모든 분들에게 바칩니다. 여리고 힘든 날들이어도 지금 찬란하게 핀 자신을 잊지 말았으면 해요.


4. 벌떡 (Suddenly)
작사(Lyrics) : Pre-holiday / 작곡(Songwriting) : Pre-holiday
Produced by Pre-holiday, OozoO
Mixed by Tony@Parr Street Studios, Liverpool, Chris@Parr Street Studios, Liverpool
Mastered by Tony@Parr Street Studios, Liverpool, Chris@Parr Street Studios, Liverpool

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Danna Paola - AÚN TE QUIERO (Lyric Video)
30 Nov 2023
Danna Paola - AÚN TE QUIERO (Lyric Video)
Nationalux Admin · 565 Views