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애즈원 (As One) '기적과도 같은 일 (Something Like a Miracle)' LYRIC VIDEO
23 Oct 2023
애즈원 (As One) '기적과도 같은 일 (Something Like a Miracle)' LYRIC VIDEO
Nationalux Admin · 254 Views

(MV)오마이걸(OH MY GIRL)_미라클 (Miracle)


(*SUB)OH MY GIRL 8th debut anniversary Special Single [Miracle] has been released.
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#오마이걸 #OHMYGIRL #OMG #미라클 #Miracle

[Miracle] to be surprisingly revealed, a special single album of OH MY GIRL to celebrate the 8th anniversary for their debut! Miracle you faced in a mild spring breeze after winter; a special gift given to ‘Miracle’!

[오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) Commentary]

“저에게 미라클이란 어떤 존재인지 깊이 생각해 보고 소중하게 가사를 써 내려갔던 것 같아요. 저의 진심이 정말 가득 담긴 곡이에요.” (효정)
“Thinking deeply about what Miracle is meant to me, I seemingly wrote down the lyrics preciously. The song contains my sincerity really and fully.” (HyoJung)

“미라클에게 받아서 마음속에 간직하던 많은 사랑들을 꺼내서 담아보았어요. 크리들에게 소중한 노래가 되었으면 해요.” (미미)
“I took out much love got from Miracle and kept in my heart, putting it in the song. I wish it would be a precious song to Crees.” (Mimi)

“오마이걸 멤버들이 사랑하는 미라클을 보며 떠오르는 마음과 앞으로의 바람을 담은 곡입니다. 저희 모두가 직접 작사에 참여한 만큼 더욱 깊은 오마이걸의 진심을 느낄 수 있을 거예요!” (유아)
“It is a song that contains the heart hit upon as the members of OH MY GIRL saw Miracle we loved and the wish in future. As we all got involved in writing the lyrics, you can feel much deeper sincerity of OH MY GIRL!“ (YooA)

“미라클하면 떠오르는 키워드를 떠올리며 가사에 녹였어요. 기적, 봄, 영원 등등. 그래서 누가 들어도 절대 헷갈리지 않고 ‘이건 오마이걸이 미라클한테 하는 말이야!’라고 알 수 있어요. 사랑해 미라클♡” (승희)
“Thinking about key words hit upon for Miracle, I wrote down them into the lyrics. Miracle, Spring, Eternity, and so on. So no one gets confused surely when one listens to the song, and you can know the fact: ‘the words are said by OH MY GIRL to Miracle!’ I love Miracle♡” (SeungHee)

“미라클이 늘 그래 주었던 것처럼, 미라클의 옆엔 항상 우리가 있고 언제나 행복할 수 있기를 진심으로 바라는 마음입니다” (유빈)
“As Miracle has always done, we always are beside Miracle and sincerely wish that both can always be happy.“ (Yubin)

“미라클과 처음 만났을 때 느꼈던 감정, 그때의 추억, 그리고 지금까지 미라클에게 전해주고 싶었던 말들, 고마웠던 감정들, 앞으로도 계속 함께 할 순간들을 떠올리며 썼습니다. (아린)
“I wrote the lyrics, recalling emotions I felt when first meeting Miracle, memories at that time, words I have wanted to convey to Miracle till now, thankful emotions, and moments we will constantly have.“ (Arin)

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애즈원 (As One) '기적과도 같은 일 (Something Like a Miracle)' LYRIC VIDEO
23 Oct 2023
애즈원 (As One) '기적과도 같은 일 (Something Like a Miracle)' LYRIC VIDEO
Nationalux Admin · 254 Views