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Nationalux Admin 15 Jul 2019

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André 3000 - I swear, I Really Wanted To Make A "Rap" Album But This Is Literally The...
Nationalux Admin · 587 Views

[MV] Dasom Kyung(경다솜) _ Think I Wanted To Be(느낌적인 느낌)


[MV] Dasom Kyung(경다솜) _ Think I Wanted To Be(느낌적인 느낌)

*English subtitles are now available.
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[Notice] 1theK YouTube is also an official channel for the MV, and music shows will count the views from this channel too.
[공지] 1theK YouTube는 MV를 유통하는 공식 채널로, 1theK에 업로드된 MV 조회수 또한 음악방송 순위에 반영됩니다.

:: iTunes :

A talented vocalist DASOM KYOUNG from one of the prestigious American practical music schools, ‘Musicians Institute (MI),’ makes her debut with her digital single album ‘Think I Wanted To Be.’ Singer songwriter DASOM KYOUNG wrote music and lyrics of the title track, ‘Think I Wanted To Be,’ which describes a thrilled day before dating with sweet lyrics and jazzy and urban melody.


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미국 실용음악명문대학 ‘Musicians Institute(MI)’ 출신 실력파 보컬리스트 ‘경다솜’이 디지털 싱글 앨범 ‘느낌적인 느낌(Think I Wanted To Be)’으로 가요계에 첫 출사표를 던진다.
타이틀곡 ‘느낌적인 느낌(Think I Wanted To Be)’은 싱어송라이터 경다솜이 직접 작사와 작곡을 맡았으며 연애가 시작되기 전의 떨림과 설렘으로 가득한 하루를 달콤한 가사와 ‘Jazzy’, ‘Urban’한 감성 멜로디로 그려낸 곡이다.

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André 3000 - I swear, I Really Wanted To Make A "Rap" Album But This Is Literally The...
Nationalux Admin · 587 Views