Nationalux Admin
Nationalux Admin 28 Nov 2019

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Yoga Workout Chest Openers! Feel Good Yoga Beginners Stretches Workout! Chakra Workout
30 Nov 2023
Yoga Workout Chest Openers! Feel Good Yoga Beginners Stretches Workout! Chakra Workout
Nationalux Admin · 481 Views

[MV] Cherry Filter(체리필터) _ Feel it(느껴봐)


[MV] Cherry Filter(체리필터) _ Feel it(느껴봐)

*English subtitles are now available. :D
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It is fine to record the Cherryfilter’s Remake Album as Remake = Recreate or Remake = reinvent, that is, it is not a just cover album but an album with the motto of recreation as a new style. In the Cherry Filter’s new album, there are few mega hit songs or popular songs. There are songs which Cherry Filter really wanted to remake, that is, songs which their hearts sincerely have desired to recreate.

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이번 Cherryfilter의 Remake앨범은 Remake = Recreate 혹은 Remake = reinvent 즉, 단순 커버가 아닌 새로운 모습으로의 재창조를 모토로 삼은 앨범으로 기록되어도 무방하다. 이번 체리필터의 음반에는 사실 딱히 메가 히트송이나 익히 알만한 그런 곡들은 많이 꼽을 수 없을 정도이다. 그러나 Cherryfilter가 진정 다시 작업해 보고 싶었던 그런 노래들로, 그들의 가슴속에서 반드시 작업해 보고 싶다고 생각 해왔던 곡들로 꾸며졌다.

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Yoga Workout Chest Openers! Feel Good Yoga Beginners Stretches Workout! Chakra Workout
30 Nov 2023
Yoga Workout Chest Openers! Feel Good Yoga Beginners Stretches Workout! Chakra Workout
Nationalux Admin · 481 Views