Nationalux Admin
Nationalux Admin 09 Aug 2022

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AURORA - Your Blood
30 Nov 2023
AURORA - Your Blood
Nationalux Admin · 1404 Views

Blood Wizard - Imaginary House


Blood Wizard announce the follow up to their critically acclaimed debut record Western Spaghetti, with their chaotically triumphant new EP Imaginary House:

With the same stomping synth fuzz that drew acclaim in The Slip, Imaginary house places the deceptively hypnotic spoken word of Cai Burns at the forefront of the piece. As his Kurt Vile-esque vocals lead the listener through the track, it soons becomes clear that Imaginary House not only acts as an introduction to the forthcoming EP, but a gateway to the sheer beauty and eccentricity of Blood Wizard. Just as the track lays the foundations for what lies in store for listeners, it also played an integral part in the development of the EP for Burns himself.

“Whilst it wasn’t the first song written on the EP, it felt like the glue that finally stuck the EP together. I was going through this ‘limbo’ period in my life and Imaginary House encapsulated the aftermath of this claustrophobia. I’d lost touch with the outside world and the inside had become some sort of fantasy. I consider Imaginary House to be the walls that contain the other tracks and it was soon clear that it would be the title track of the EP.”

About the video - “Nearing death in the Atacama desert, Cai’s final drop of sweat awakens ancient microscopic hydration demons who, in hedonistic celebration of their endrenchment, rudely stir our hero from his terminal slumber”

Video shot by Isaac Eastgate
Costume design by Faye Rita Robinson
Special thanks to Adrian Vitelleschi Cook and Julian Hanson

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AURORA - Your Blood
30 Nov 2023
AURORA - Your Blood
Nationalux Admin · 1404 Views