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954Drac - BINE (feat. Marcolen Hayes) (WSHH Heatseekers)
Exclusive WSHH music video for “BINE” by 954Drac (ft. Marcolen Hayes).
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South Beach Reggaeton summer anthem featuring partying and dancing. Former Broward rapper and now newly bred “recording artist” 954Drac has expanded his horizons into Latin pop, a genre he has been attracted to since childhood. He heard this beat in his living room while scrolling through beat stars randomly and he knew as soon as the intro started playing, that he had one. The infused instruments really brings out the vivid lyrics and melodies of this Romanian anthem, but he knew he couldn’t stop just yet as Romanian music is not as popular worldwide as he would like, that is when he added Marcolen Hayes, a rising Miami RNB artist who can turn up in both English and Spanish! As 954Drac looks at the finalization of his project before his WSHH submission, he thought, “here it comes, the beginning awaits.”
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#954Drac #BINE #WorldstarHipHop